Thursday, June 15, 2023

How the UK data protection authority gives free pass to big tech giants

Asress Adimi Gikay (PhD)

In the online space, one of the most empty promises is “we value your privacy.“ Businesses promise to preserve our privacy rights but they neither have the carrot, nor the stick to make them respect data protection rules. So, they  flout data privacy laws, as regulators either struggle to adequately enforce the law or wilfully ignore infractions.

The UK’s data protection authority— the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)— has succumbed the most to its ambition of promoting innovation and economic growth while simultaneously protecting the public’s personal data. The authority's enforcement defies its primary objective of protecting the public's data privacy rights.

The ICO’s enforcement track record—the numbers don’t lie

During the 2021-2022 fiscal year, the ICO reported receiving 35,558  data privacy violation complaints. The complaints were diverse including companies refusing to delete individuals’ personal data or processing their data without consent. Sometimes, organizations infringed the individual’s right to access their own personal data, contrary to what the data protection legislation requires.

Similarly, in the 2022-2023 financial year, a total of 27,130  complaints were filed with the ICO, excluding data from the most recent financial quarter that the authority is yet to report. Out of the 62,688 complaints filed over a span of two years, the authority levied only 59 monetary penalties. Only approximately 0.094% of the complaints led to organizations being sanctioned for breaching data protection rules.

The ICO closed most of the complaints alleging insufficient information to proceed with the complaints or lack of evidence of infraction. It resolved numerous cases through discussions with infringing companies. In such cases, the authority recognises the presence of infringement by the organization but encourages the organization to rectify the violation, including addressing the underlying complaint.

Due to the ICO’s practice of not disclosing comprehensive details about these cases, except for summaries, the public tends to perceive the authority as prioritizing business interests over safeguarding data privacy rights.  Interestingly, this public perception aligns with the available evidence.

The broader context

The enforcement of the GDPR has been unsatisfactory across the EU, since the implementation of what has been described as a breakthrough law, that promised to empower people in the digital world, through giving more control to citizens on their personal data. Even when applying a more forgiving standard, the ICO's enforcement record remains unsatisfactory. Between 2018 and 2022, it levied around 50 monetary penalties, while German and the Italian authorities imposed 606 and 228 penalties between 2018 and 2021.

The ICO is generally passive compared to its European counterparts. In a notable case, the French authority, Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Liberté  (CNIL) fined Meta and Google €60 million and €150 million respectively in 2021 for their illegal use of cookies. Despite engaging in similar unlawful data collection practices in the UK, the companies made changes to their cookie-based data collection practices in the UK only while complying with the French ruling. They faced no threat of sanction in the UK.

The ICO's consistently poor enforcement record clearly undermines public confidence in the authority. In its 2022 annual report, the authority itself acknowledged getting the lowest score in complaint resolution in a 2021 customer survey it backed. An independent review—Trustpilot— rates the authority at 1.1 out of 5. This is based on self-initiated reviews conducted by members of the public, some claiming that the ICO prioritizes business interests rather than protecting privacy rights.

Unfit enforcement policy— corporate free pass

The ICO’s risk-based approach enforcement prioritizes a softer approach to ensuring compliance, reserving enforcement actions to violations that are likely to pose the highest risk and harm to the public. Enforcement action includes requiring an offending organization to end violations and comply with relevant rules through  so-called enforcement notice and issuing penalty.

The ICO considers several factors in determining whether imposing a penalty is appropriate, including the intentional or repeated nature of the breach, the degree of harm to the public, and the number of people impacted. In practice however, it uses discretion even in cases of intentional and repeat violations.

In one fiscal  year(2022/2023), Google UK violated the law more than 25 times,  as acknowledged by the ICO in separate complaints, but the authority only advised the company to comply.

Google UK's infractions include refusal or delaying to delete personal data upon request by individuals exercising their right to be forgotten. Meta Platform(formerly Facebook Inc.) received 20 compliance suggestions, after evidence of its infringement has been found, while Microsoft and Twitter each received the same soft compliance advices 8 times, in the same year.

In all these cases, taxpayer's data protection rights were violated and evidence of infringement by big tech companies have been found, yet the ICO consistently chose to give the offenders a free pass, rather than standing up for citizens and upholding the law.

 The need for policy change

The ICO's enforcement policy relies on collaborating with regulated entities rather than effectively sanctioning them to deter repeat violations. This approach aims to support the digital economy by avoiding excessive enforcement of data protection rights and fostering data innovation. In theory, it should attract businesses to the UK, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth. However, the policy is currently being applied to serve the interest of big tech companies.

The companies repeatedly violating data protection laws don’t necessarily contribute to digital innovation in the UK, while most of them are not strategically positioned to provide job opportunities in the country. But the UK remains their crucial consumer market. As such, sanctioning them is unlikely to change their business decisions and behaviour to the detriment of the UK economy. 

The ICO’s failure to effectively enforce data privacy laws erodes public trust. It could also discourage data innovation, as the public might refuse to provide data for research and innovation, which could in turn negatively affect the digital economy. 

I am a Senior Lecture in AI, Disruptive Innovation and Law (Brunel University London). If you are interested in occasional updates like this, follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn.


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